Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Google Authentication with ASP.Net

Code download available at the bottom of the post

In this post i would like to share my experience with Google Authentication with membership (Forms Authentication)
High level google authentication work flow with ASP.NET membership
1.            Your application requests access and gets an unauthorized request token from Google's authorization server.
2.            Google asks the user to grant you access to the required data.
3.            Your application gets an authorized request token from the authorization server.
4.            You exchange the authorized request token for an access token.

5.            You use the access token to request data from Google's service access servers.

Step 1:
I am using forms authentication for my application. When the user tries to access the application, system will check whether the user is authenticated or not. If the user is unauthenticated he will be redirected to the login screen as shown below. 


Step 2:
When your application initially requests access to a user's data, Google issues an unauthorized request token to your application.
If the user is not already logged in, Google prompts the user to log in. Google then displays an authorization page that allows the user to see what Google service data your application is requesting access to.

        /// Step 1: Get a Request Token
        private void MakeRequestForToken()        {
            string consumerKey = "anonymous";
            string consumerSecret = "anonymous";
            // Google requires an additional "scope" parameter that identifies one of the google applications
            string requestTokenEndpoint = "";
            string requestTokenCallback = GetRouteableUrlFromRelativeUrl("GoogleAuth/oAuth/GoogleValidation.aspx/authorizeToken/google/");
            string authorizeTokenUrl = "";

            // Step 1: Make the call to request a token
            var oAuthConsumer = new OAuthConsumer();
            var requestToken = oAuthConsumer.GetOAuthRequestToken(requestTokenEndpoint, realm, consumerKey, consumerSecret, requestTokenCallback);

            // Step 2: Make a the call to authorize the request token
            Response.Redirect(authorizeTokenUrl + "?oauth_token=" + requestToken.Token);
Step 3:
If the user approves your application's access request, Google issues an authorized request token. Each request token is valid for only one hour. Only an authorized request token can be exchanged for an access token, and this exchange can be done only once per authorized request token.

 private void HandleAuthorizeTokenResponse()
            string consumerKey = "anonymous";
            string consumerSecret = "anonymous";
            string token = Request.QueryString["oauth_token"];
            string verifier = Request.QueryString["oauth_verifier"];
            string accessTokenEndpoint = "";

            // Exchange the Request Token for an Access Token
            var oAuthConsumer = new OAuthConsumer();

            var accessToken = oAuthConsumer.GetOAuthAccessToken(accessTokenEndpoint, realm, consumerKey, consumerSecret, token, verifier, GetRequesttoken().TokenSecret);

            // Google Only - This method will get the email of the authenticated user
            var responseText = oAuthConsumer.GetUserInfo("", realm, consumerKey, consumerSecret, accessToken.Token, accessToken.TokenSecret);
            NameValueCollection nvc = StringToNameValueCollection(responseText);

            if (nvc["email"] != "")
                FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(nvc["email"].ToString(), false);

Step 4:
By default, access tokens are long-lived. Each access token is specific to the user account specified in the original request for authorization, and grants access only to the services specified in that request. Your application should store the access token securely, because it's required for all access to a user's data.

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